The Photography Hub for Edinburgh
525 Ferry Road, Edinburgh Eh5 2FF
Lethe is the river that cleanses Dante in Purgatory, the one that wipes memories of the dead as they drink from it or bathe in it. The poet Sylvia Plath steps up from ‘the black car of Lethe, Pure as a baby’. It is an escape, a relief from our own physical limitations. ‘The soul that has been rash enough to drink from the fount of Lethe… is reincarnated and again cast into the cycle of becoming’, according to Mircea Eliade. As important recollections slip from our memory, this loss brings its own kind of grief. The past becomes a vast, blank territory where even the most important memories from childhood are erased – if we do not remember them, perhaps these might as well not have happened in the first place.
Join us on the 4th of March, 2020 from 5:30pm.
Sylwia Kowalczyk will give a short talk about her work at 6:15pm.
Refreshments will be served.
RSVP HereReflective Construction and Calculated Construction are two series of work made during a Royal Scottish Academy residency at North Lands Glass in conjunction with Stills.
Join us at our opening event on the 28th of November from 5:45pm.
Rebecca Milling will give a short talk about her work at 6pm.
Tours of the premises will take place after - take a look at the members library, the archive facilities, the co-working hub and hear about future initiatives.
We would love to hear what ideas you have on the future of Photography in Scotland and invite you to become part of our community through membership, volunteering or patronage of the charity.
Refreshments will be served.
RSVP HereAre you a creative, freelancer or organisation looking for some space to work in a peaceful space with like minded creative’s? Look no further!
Desk space to rent.